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KOMBUCHA: make your own brew

KOMBUCHA: make your own brew


The fizzy probiotic elixir
that I can never get enough of.


Kombucha is EASY to make and nothing tastes better than your own brew.

Booch is:

≈amino acids

The whole process of brewing kombucha is so gratifying to me - concocting a scoby mama from inception to fermenting fizzy batches that you can share with everyone you love. With brewing, consistency is key and temperature is very very important.

If you need a scoby, learn how to make your own in another article here!



≈ 1 gallon size glass jar
≈ cheese cloth or paper towels
≈ rubber band
≈ scoby


≈ 1 gallon (16 cups) filtered water
≈ 1 cup organic sugar (1 cup per gallon)
≈ 8-10 bags of organic black tea or 2 tablespoon of loose leaf tea
≈ 1 cup of previous batch of Kombucha brew


  1. In a big stock pot, bring water to a boil

  2. Add the sugar and stir to help dissolve

  3. Add in tea packets (I always remove any label at the end of the string in case of dyes)

  4. Let this mixture hang out until it cools to room temperature. If you’re trying to do this a bit quicker, you can do this: when boiling the water, only boil 1/2 gallon (8 cups), then at the end when you have the sugar and tea bags in, you can add the other 8 cups of cold filtered water to speed the cooling process up.

  5. Once the mixture has cooled, transfer and pour into a gallon size jar. Cover the jar with a woven cloth, this can be a paper towel or cheese cloth, then secure it with a rubber band around the top to ensure it’s closed off, but can breath.


* Let this sit for 2-3 weeks in a warm location. I usually taste test after about a week to see where its at in the fermentation process. If it tastes sweet like tea, it needs more time to ferment. If it tastes too vinegary, it may have fermented too long, but some people prefer the vinegary taste. Find that perfect medium, and the taste you like best.


It can be super difficult to for your Kombucha batch to ferment in the winter due to the cold weather and the scoby loving 68-78°F to work her magic. During cold months, I use a Kombucha heating pad. The one I use is very affordable and simple to use. You can find it here.


Brewing a Mother Scoby: Kombucha Step 1

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