
Welcome to Wild With Navy. I document my adventures in motherhood, feeding my toddler and dog, wellness + working out. Join me and my community!

Naturally dyed Easter eggs

Naturally dyed Easter eggs


A natural, fun and educational way to celebrate Easter with supplies & ingredients you most likely have at home already.


I love to dye Easter eggs with natural roots, herbs and foods that come from Mother Nature - the best part…they’re probably already in your pantry or fridge! Here are a few of my favorites to use:

- blueberries
- turmeric
- red beets
- spinach/brocoli
- red onion skins
- coffee grinds

Super easy peasy.

1. Fill up a pot with water (4 cups max.), add the ingredient + 2 tablespoons of distilled white vinegar. Bring to a boil, and let this mixture simmer for up to 30 minutes. Do this for each ingredient.

2. Let these colorful homemade dye mixtures cool to room temperature.

3. Add in the hard-boiled eggs to the dye mixture, let sit all day (overnight if you want) depending on the color!

4. Store in fridge + enjoy your homemade beauties on Easter!

Honeybomb: a natural remedy

Honeybomb: a natural remedy

Healing (veggie) broth

Healing (veggie) broth